A Pretty Sweet Place

We are spending some time in the great state of Vermont, on our way to several days of vacation in Maine, and this place is just as special as we remembered it. Vermont is where Souzz went to college, so we aren’t exactly greenhorns up here…or, rather, she isn’t (as for me, I’m still trying to figure out how to pronounce Montpelier). In any case, there’s still plenty to discover.

Coming into the trip, we’d talked about trying to find a little mom and pop place to get some maple syrup, a Vermont specialty. We’d promised to bring some home to our neighbor, a Vermont native, and enjoy having it for ourselves, too. So yesterday we were on the way back from a cool hike in the Moosalamoo National Recreation Area, and were on Route 100 near the town of Rochester. It was there that we spotted a sign that seemed like it must be just for us. It said “Mom & Pop’s Maple Syrup.”

Like the tourist that I am, I first went to the wrong house (um…what was that about not being a greenhorn?). Then Souzz pointed out the actual place across the street. It was unlocked and unattended, with a price list and a slot for cash or checks–like stepping back in time. We sampled a few different kinds, and dropped money in the slot–and then looked out the window at a raging snow squall, just in time for the drive back. This is Vermont in winter, after all.

When we got back, we realized we’d left the largest jug of syrup on Mom & Pops’ counter (or, rather, I had). But a quick phone call to mom and pop had our problem solved (and they refused to take any money for shipping it home to us in Virginia).

If our little sampling of the maple syrup shop is any indication, this is a pretty sweet place.

5 thoughts on “A Pretty Sweet Place

  1. Another wonderful adventure! Love living vicariously through you two. Looks pretty cold and very pretty! Enjoy your vacation— love New England ♥️ Try that syrup on some snow!

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